Homeless Teen Statistics

college District Homeless Liaison Map; college District Homeless Liaison Locator; 2013 Updated Homeless Liaison Toolkit The Local Homeless Education Liaison Toolkit is a comprehensive tool that will assist both new and veteran local homeless education liaison in carrying out their responsibilities

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Facts about homeless youth and adults: between 5,000 and 10,000 youth and adults experience homelessness each year in King County.

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Human trafficking happens across the Americas and in all 50 states… and homeless ren are the prime targets. Learn more about this vile industry and how you can help us protect the people it victimizes.

Find contact information for homeless services organizations near you using the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Resource Locator.

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Teen Homelessness Statistics Covenant House and the Covenant House Institute strive to be knowledge leaders in the field of homeless youth services by sharing what we have learned over our more than 40 years of experience.

This document provides statistics on homeless youth as well as what states are doing to combat the issue.

Homeless Youth Statistics and Facts: Overall, unaccompanied homeless youth represent 6% of the total homeless population in the United States. (HUD, 2015)

Up to 1.6 million people experience homelessness in America every year. Forty percent of them identify as LGBT.

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Although estimating the homeless population is difficult, about 1.4 million students in the U.S. were homeless at the start of the 2013-14 college year. ren not enrolled in college, although their numbers are less easily measured, push the total number of homeless ren and youth significantly higher.

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Teens age 12 to 17 are more likely to become homeless than adults.

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