Masturbation Statistics

Masturbation Interviews is a blog dedicated to authentic accounts of amateur orgasms and masturbation using stories, video and photos.

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Describes various masturbation techniques in men and women and discusses some possible masturbation problems

For over 15 years Solo Touch readers have been sharing erotic stories about masturbation, orgasms and shocking sexual experiences. Read the newest sex stories …

All About Sexuality and Sexual Health. Comprehensive and friendly resources providing straightforward answers to questions about sexual health, sex tips and techniques, and articles on sex research, science, culture, and more.

Discover statistics about pastors in the ministry here, including information about addiction in ministers and the number one reason that pastors leave a ministry.

FREE samples of our wives and teenfriends masturbating! Choose: Windows Media (WMV) or Quicktime/iPad/Mobile (MP4)

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Venus 2000 is a sexual stimulation tool for men. It is a self-actuated masturbation aid with controllable strokes. The machine works with or without an erection. Metro has described it as a sex toy “for the serious onanist”.

Masturbation is the sexual stimulation of one’s own genitals for sexual arousal or other sexual pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation may involve hands, fingers, everyday objects, sex toys such as vibrators, or combinations of these.

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The latest study: 92% of women like to go solo. Social mores are changing. A recent Gossard Big M Survey polled more than 1,000 UK women aged 18-30, and found the VAST majority — a full nine out of ten — adnut ti taking time out to play with themselves.

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The Ethics of Masturbation Where do solo activities fit in a relationship? Posted May 03, 2018