Disorder If Your Teen Sleeping

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B ipolar Disorder is a type of mood disorder. However, unlike in Depression, the problem in Bipolar Disorder is in the brain’s regulation of the usual ups and downs of …

G eneralized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a disruption in how your brain controls the signals it uses to identify danger and initiate action to help you avoid it. However, in GAD, this signalling mechanism does not work as it should and you experience the danger signal when there is no danger.

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Treatment. If you have bipolar disorder, you will need lifelong treatment. Regular monitoring and consultation with a health care professional is necessary to establish which medication or combination of drugs works best.

Take this WebMD assessment to find out about your sleeping habits. What’s keeping you awake? Learn how to make your bedroom a better place to catch some ZZZs.

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Bipolar disorder is a medical condition in which a person experiences extreme highs (mania) and extreme lows (depression). Also called manic-depression, it is more serious than the everyday ups and downs that most people experience.

Sleep health information from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Symptoms and treatments for insomnia, sleep apnea and sleep disorders. Find a sleep center for help sleeping.

Teens go through emotional ups and downs all the time. Hormones are changing, life can seem overwhelming, and without much life experience, a adult can feel misguided.

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Getting a good sleep is vital to your health, but many Americans don’t get enough. Learn about sleep disorders, treatments, and good sleep habits.

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Is Your Teen Vamping Instead of Sleeping? The effects of late-night cellphone use on cent health. Posted Apr 25, 2018

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If you’re considering co-sleeping with your baby, it’s important to be aware of the risk factors and how to reduce them. This essential guide explains.